Google Maps Integration iOS Swift. Part 3

Andrii Petrovskyi
2 min readJul 14, 2021


Description: — GoogleMaps with custom theme and Clustering. iOS Swift

So next step is to show our current location on the GoogleMap

  1. Lets confirm our MapViewController to LocationServiceDelegate and then set our controller as delegate for locationService somewhere in viewDidLoad.
extension MapViewController: LocationServiceDelegate {func updateLocation(_ location: CLLocationCoordinate2D?) {}func authorizattionStatusDidChanged(isAccessGranted: Bool) {// implement some reaction on chnging authorization status}}/// MapViewControlleroverride func viewDidLoad() {

2. Now i need to configure mapView to allow showing of my current location, i’ll create func which call configMapView() and call this method inide viewDidLoad:

override func viewDidLoad() {  super.viewDidLoad()   layoutMapView()   locationService.startLocationService()   configMapView()}private func configMapView() {     mapView?.isMyLocationEnabled = true}

3. Now i need some method to update current location if locationService will call updateLocation, and call this method inside updateLocation(_ location: CLLocationCoordinate2D?):

func cameraMoveToLocation(toLocation: CLLocationCoordinate2D?) {   if toLocation != nil {    let camera = toLocation!,                                          zoom: 15)   mapView?.animate(to: camera)}}/////
extension MapViewController: LocationServiceDelegate {
func updateLocation(_ location: CLLocationCoordinate2D?) {
cameraMoveToLocation(toLocation: location)
func authorizattionStatusDidChanged(isAccessGranted: Bool) {// implement some reaction on chnging authorization status}}


Let’s run the App and see whats happen:


Link to 1 part

Link to 2 part

Lint to 4 part

Link to 5 part



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